
Welcome to all who are here today physically, via zoom or watching this service at a later date.  We come to this place of worship, each with our unique reason. As we gather and join together in prayer, song, confession, and listening to the words of scripture, we declare in Jesus’ name that this is a safe physical, emotional and spiritual environment. 

Acknowledgement of country

We worship on Dharawal land.  We acknowledge and remember the first nations peoples who also gathered, lived, cared for and had a spiritual connection with this land. We acknowledge their elders, past, present and emerging. We acknowledge the great sorrows and injustices brought on the Dharawal peoples through the past and present actions and inactions of the church, the government and the society in which we live. 

Lighting the Christ Candle

This candle is lit to remind us that Christ is the light of the world, showing us the way to life, and exposing the dark.

Call to worship (From Words of Worship 2022)

We Gather to Worship God 
Praise awaits you, O God;
and solemn promises will be fulfilled.
To you who listen to our prayer, all may come,
When sinful deeds overcome us, pardon our rebellion.
How fortunate are those you choose and bring near
to live in your courts
let us be filled with the good things of your house,
your holy temple.

Hymn: Gather us in. 

PRAYERS OF INTERCESSION (Psalm 65:5-14) (From Words of Worship 2022)
Answer us with awesome deeds that put things right,
O God, who saves us;
who is the trust of the ends of the earth, and distant oceans;
who sets the mountains in place;
who is clothed in power;
who stills the roaring seas,
the raging of their waves,
and the unrest of the peoples;
so that those who dwell at the ends of the earth will fear your signs,
and the morning and evening will sing for joy as they set out.
Lord hear us.
Lord, hear our prayer.
You care for the earth and give it abundance,
greatly enriching it.
The irrigation channel is full of water;
you provide grain by preparing (the earth).
Soak its furrows; saturate its unbroken clods!
Let rain-showers soften it, and bless its growth.
Crown the year with your goodness;
Let the places where you pass
and the pastures of the wilderness drip with richness;
Let the hills dress themselves with rejoicing.
The pastures are clothed with young flocks,
the valleys are covered with grain;
they shout and sing for joy.
God of awesome deeds that put things right
strengthen us in uncertain times;
encourage us and those for whom we pray
so that we dream your dreams
and glimpse your vision for your kingdom;
in Jesus’ name we pray.

PRAYER OF CONFESSION. (all the congregation) (From Words of Worship 2022)

God, we hope to be a good and righteous people.  

Yet, it is too easy for us to stay safely in our church, 

with our friends of like mind,  

with our rituals that bring comfort, 

with time set aside for worship from everyday life. 

Forgive us, God, 

for we know that you call us to live in such a different way. 

We can let our fears of rejection, 

of being ridiculed or even persecuted stop us from singing your praise 

and sharing your way of living. 

We let our busyness take precedence over spiritual well-being. 

Please help us to understand the true humility of speaking and living in the truth of your Word. 

Remind us, again, that we need not fear to live in the way of Jesus, 

to love with a heart of compassion,  

to share with the grace of the Spirit, 

and to receive all people who come our way as children of God. 

Hear our prayer, Holy One. 

Release us from our fears,

so we might grow in your wisdom and light. 



God says, 

I will pour out my Spirit on everyone: 

your sons and daughters will proclaim my message.  

Your old people will have dreams and your young people will see visions. 

All who ask God for help will be saved.  

We are forgiven. 

Thanks be to God. 

Bible Readings.  Janene

Joel 2:23-32

Lk 18:9-27

Hymn: Christ’s is the world in which we move 

Sermon/Reflection: John

Hymn: Lord Jesus we belong to you.

Prayers of the People: Sue

Offering Prayer: Loraine

As we leave, may God’s Spirit be present in our lives, 

so that dreams develop and help shape new visions. 

May God’s Word live through our lives, 

so that we truly are children of the living God. 

Let humility and wisdom settle in our hearts.

There, we will find the right ways to be and do. 

May the rich and fertile life with God stream with the living waters of love, 

to refresh and renew our baptism and unfold a new pathway every day. Amen.  

Hymn: Brother sister let me serve you. (verses 1, 2, 6)