You are invited to join us for a short, quiet service from 7.00pm for approximately 30-40mins on Tuesday evening 20th December.

Everyone is welcome, irrespective of your faith or life experience: sadness and grief are universal emotions.

For many of us Christmas doesn’t always feel so joyous: we may be carrying grief and sorrow that lays heavily on us during this festive season. You are welcome to join Rev Paul and others in the presence of God who came into darkness to bring light.

We will take some time amidst the festivities of the season, to approach God in honesty and humility, with our questions and lamentations, with our sorrows and our hurts. We come to seek peace, to remember those we may have lost, and to hold each other in love.

We hope that in this short worship service together you find some form of peace that will help to carry you through these next few weeks, and comfort in the knowledge that you are not alone.

If you would appreciate a service like this but are unable to attend on Tues night, you are welcome to join online a similar service, “Walking Back to Grief: a space for those feeling grief, loss, sadness and pain this Christmas” from Paddington Uniting Church at 11am on Sunday 17th Dec, livestreamed on the Uniting Church Synod of NSW and ACT Facebook page. (more info here)