You can watch the bible readings and sermon here, or scroll down to read the rest of the Sunday prayers and content, and watch this video at the point it occurs during worship.


Welcome and Announcements Here in Engadine Uniting Church we believe all people are created lovingly and wonderfully in the image of God, and we welcome everyone regardless of race, age, ability,  sexuality and gender.

As a Christian Community we believe that God reaches out to us in love and acceptance and that our relationships with each other should express love and respect.

Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, wherever you’ve come from, wherever you’re going, whatever is in your heart – you are welcome here.

Acknowledgement of country

As we gather together in this time and place, let us acknowledge the Dharawal People who have gathered, baked bread, shared food, nourished each other in story and song for thousands of years.

We pay our respects to their elders, past and present, who have handed down stories, songs, recipes, and wisdom. Let us learn from the First Peoples of this land, listening to their innate knowledge of how to live in this land in harmony with all living things.

All: In doing so, we recommit to the path of reconciliation and justice that God lays before us.

Lighting of the Christ Candle

Call to worship 

Based on Psalm 84:3, 10a 

Happy are those, God, who live in your house.

Even the sparrow finds a home,

and the swallow a nest for herself,

where she may lay her young.

Come and sing in the courts of the Lord,

Where a day is better

than a thousand elsewhere. 

Prayer Of Invocation/Welcome 

Jesus said: I am the bread of life,

whoever comes to me will never be hungry

and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.

You, O God, create our lives.

You provide our bread;

you quench our thirst.

Create this day in us

to walk in your love.

O Christ, join us in our quest,

O Christ, we share the bread together,

O Christ, be food for our minds.

Eternal God,

creator of time,

sustainer of soul,

liberator of the oppressed,

feed us the bread of Christ,

bringing true communion with you,

making our joy complete. Amen. 

Hymn/Song: Jesus calls us here to meet him, J. Bell, Together in Song 477

Jesus call us here to meet Him

As through word and song and prayer

We affirm God’s promised presence

Where His people live and care

Praise the God who keeps His promise

Praise the Son who calls us friends

Praise the Spirit who among us

To our hopes and fears attends

Jesus calls us to confess Him

Word of Life and Lord of All

Sharer of our flesh and frailness

Saving all who fail or fall

Tell His holy human story

Tell His tales that all may hear

Tell the world that Christ in glory

Came to earth to meet us here

Jesus calls us to each other

Found in Him are no divides

Race and class and sex and language

Such are barriers He derides

Join the hand of friend and stranger

Join the hands of age and youth

Join the faithful and the doubter

In their common search for truth

Jesus calls us to His table

Rooted firm in time and space

Where the church in earth and heaven

Finds a common meeting place

Share the bread and wine His body

Share the love of which we sing

Share the feast for saints and sinners

Hosted by our Lord and King

CCLI Song # 878695 Graham Maule | John L. Bell © Words: 1989 WGRG, c/o Iona Community, Glasgow, Scotland; Music: 1989 WGRG, c/o Iona Community, Glasgow, Scotland For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved. CCLI License # 31951

Interview spot: Guest speaker, Dr Glen Powell

Prayer of adoration and confession

Gracious God,

at times, we have great intentions,

but following Jesus’ way can be difficult.

When we would prefer an easier path

and avoid the hard work of loving our neighbours.

God, forgive us.

When we would prefer a less demanding teacher

and look for simple, uncomplicated answers.

God, forgive us.

When we would prefer an effortless life

and ignore the pain and suffering of others.

God, forgive us.

When we would prefer a straightforward week

and sidestep confronting the injustices in our world.

God, forgive us.

Meet us in our brokenness and weakness.

Strengthen and embolden us to follow 

in the footsteps of Jesus with courage.


Words of Grace

Our God is compassionate and gracious,

slow to anger and abounding in loving kindness.

Hear then Christ’s words of grace:

‘Your sins are forgiven!’

Thanks be to God.



Let us pray: God, please open our ears and minds and hearts so that as we hear the words of the Bible, you will speak to us and bring us new life.

Reading 1: Ephesians 6:10–20
Reading 2: John 6:56–69 

Reader: Through these readings we hear God speak.

All:  Thank you, God, for your words of life.

Hymn: Help Us O Lord To Learn, to the tune “Cambridge”

Help us O Lord to learn

The truths Your Word imparts

To study that Your laws may be

Inscribed upon our hearts

Help us O Lord to live

The faith which we proclaim

That all our thoughts and words and deeds

May glorify Your name

Help us O Lord to teach

The beauty of Your ways

That yearning souls may find the Christ

And sing aloud His praise

CCLI Song # 2640635 William Watkins Reid Jr. © 1959. Renewed 1987 The Hymn Society For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved. CCLI License # 31951

Sermon/Reflection: Glen Powell 


Song: Glenn, with a song.

Offertory prayer

“Thank you to everyone as you bring your gifts of loving service and financial support through online giving. If you prefer to use cash, it can be placed in the wooden box at the back, and you can also make one-off donations via the QR code on the box. Let us pray:”

Generous God, we give thanks to you for the gift of life each day.

You are the bread of life, sustaining and filling with goodness.

We bring these, our gifts, and our lives to you.

May they be used to feed others, both physically and spiritually,

that the abundance of your love may be known in our world.


Prayers of the people 

Loving and Gracious God,

we bring before you this day

the pain, hurt and need

of our world.

Often, we are left without words

and feel helpless in the face of such great suffering.

As we look around us

we hear the groaning of creation.

Floods, fires, storms and strange weather patterns

tell of the needs of our earth.

Lands are cleared 

and species become extinct.

Help us not to shy away from the difficult parts of life.

Hear our prayers this day

and prompt us where we might take action.

As we look around us

we hear the cries of your people.

Those who are homeless, oppressed, imprisoned

call out the injustices in our communities.

Children grow without love

and the elderly die alone.

Help us not to shy away from the difficult parts of life.

Hear our prayers this day,

and prompt us where we might take action.

As we look around us

we hear the sighing of our loved ones.

Sickness, hopelessness, tensions, and struggles

speak of the hunger of your children.

We live with grief,

helplessness and despair. 

Help us not to shy away from the difficult parts of life.

Hear our prayers this day

and prompt us where we might take action.

As we look around, we hear the yearning of your church.

Policies, projects, procedures and pressures

tell of the hopes of your people.

Congregations age

and growth seems impossible.

Help us not to shy away from the difficult parts of life.

Hear our prayers this day,

and prompt us where we might take action.


Let us join together as we say together this version of the Lord’s Prayer:

Eternal Spirit,

Source of all that is and ever shall be,

Loving Parent in whom we discern heaven,

May knowledge of your holiness inspire all peoples,

And may your commonwealth of peace and freedom flourish on earth

Until all of humankind heed your call to justice and compassion. 

May we find the bread that we need for today,

And for the hurts we cause one another

May we be forgiven in the same measure that we forgive.

In times of trial and temptation, help us to be strong;

When life seems overwhelming, help us to endure;

And thus from the yoke of sin deliver us.

May you reign in the power of human love,

Now and forever. Amen.  (by Tom Hall)

Hymn/Song: Let us talents and tongues employ, F. Kaan

Let us talents and tongues employ

Reaching out with a shout of joy

Bread is broken the wine is poured

Christ is spoken and seen and heard


Jesus lives again

Earth can breathe again

Pass the Word around

Loaves abound


Christ is able to make us one

At the table He set the tone

Teaching people to live to bless

Love in word and in deed express

Jesus calls us in sends us out

Bearing fruit in a world of doubt

Gives us love to tell bread to share

God (Immanuel) everywhere

CCLI Song # 178577

Doreen Potter | Fred Kaan © Words: 1975 Stainer & Bell Ltd; Music: 1975 Hope Publishing Company For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved. CCLI License # 31951


Bread of life,

we have been fed by your word,

filled with your Spirit,

and encouraged by each other’s presence.

As we leave this place

to return to the world where people hunger,

let us take the manna of your abundant love to share.

Give us eyes to see the hungry,

ears to hear their stories,

hands to give, receive and hold

and hearts to love without judgment.

We go with the blessing

of our compassionate God,

giver and sustainer of life.
