Justice: Creation Care

Faith leads to action

At Engadine Uniting Church, we believe that as followers of Jesus, we are charged with caring for our environment as an expression of love to all peoples and creation. We are concerned about the impact human activity has on the environment and climate. Below are some activities and links that express our commitment to this issue.

We take our inspiration from the Uniting Church Assembly’s National Climate Action Plan.

“We seek the flourishing of the whole of God’s Creation and all its creatures. We act to renew the Earth from the damage done and stand in solidarity with people most impacted by human-induced climate change.

The Uniting Church believes that God is the Creator of the world in which we live and move and have our being, and that God calls us into a particular relationship with the rest of creation – a relationship of mutuality and interdependence which seeks the reconciliation of all creation with God. Right now, our planet is experiencing a climate crisis. The Uniting Church calls for urgent action towards a more sustainable planet and support for those most impacted.

You can read more on what we are calling for the Uniting Climate Action Network page.

Clothing the Loop: tea towels to bags

Clothing the Loop: tea towels to bags

Sunday 17 March

Folks joined together to make friends, learn new skills, and help reduce landfill waste by repurposing tea towels and other materials into shopping bags.

Seasons of Creation: Wildflower Walk

Seasons of Creation: Wildflower Walk

Event: Saturday 16 September 2023

We went on a guided wildflower walk to enjoy the beauty of our natural world so close to home. It was great!

Picnic for Nature 2022

Picnic for Nature 2022

Date: Sun 16th Oct, 12noon to 2pm
Venue: Cooper St Park, Engadine

Engadine Uniting Church is co-hosting this year’s Picnic for Nature with the Nature Conservation Council of NSW. This event is designed to bring people in our community together and celebrate nature.

Letter-writing workshop

Letter-writing workshop

Letter-Writing for Climate
We gathered online to share our personal stories and write letters to the Prime Minister asking for serious action on climate.

Code Red and our faith

Code Red and our faith

Sue explores how the latest IPCC report impacts our feelings and our faith. How then do we live?

Beautiful Gift, Serious Message

Beautiful Gift, Serious Message

What do nine Engadine Uniting Church women and their 10 scarves have to do with the Australian Parliament in Canberra? Read on…

World Environment Day

World Environment Day

As followers of Christ, we have a duty to be stewards of creation and pursue justice for the vulnerable: action on climate does both.